
DDDL-5-120three-phase voltage and current source
  • Product name: DDDL-5-120three-phase voltage and current source

  • Product model: DDDL-5-120

  • Release time: 2016-03-21 11:35:19

  • Manufacturer: Great electric equipment Co., Ltd.



1, input AC380V three phase and four wire system


2. Output current AC 3*0~5A (three phase)

3, output voltage AC 3*0~120V (three phase)

1, before the power supply is connected, the power control switch should be disconnected and will be switched off.

And "A phase voltage and current regulation", "B phase voltage regulation current", "C phase voltage and current regulation", and zero clockwise counterclockwise return.

2, connect the power supply, connect the "power input" A, B, C and N terminals to the three-phase four wire power supply, and then "output" terminal of "A, B, C phase current", and "A, B, C phase voltage output" terminal, and "switch input" active contact terminal with a special test wire connected to the relay contact

3, current output: after the connection, close the "power control" switch, press the "start" button, clockwise to "A phase" "B phase" "C phase adjustment" test current required, then press the "stop" button, press the "start" button again, can be tested to carry out the test.

4, voltage output: after the connection, close the "power control" switch, press the "start" button, clockwise to "A phase" "B phase" "C phase adjustment" test voltage required, and then press the "stop" button, press the "start" button again, can be tested to carry out the test.

5, after the voltage and current transmission with the same connection, close the "power control" switch, press the "start" button, clockwise to "A phase" "B phase" "C adjust" the test voltage required, clockwise "A phase" "B phase" "C phase adjustment" required test current, and then press down "stop" button, press "start" again. The button can test the characteristic of the tested equipment.

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